For female leaders who want to bust through the glass ceiling with their voice.

We live in a crazy world where women are constantly hitting the “glass ceiling.”

While you have already worked hard, achieved great feats, made an impact, created success, changed lives…I know that if you’re here, there is something more you are desiring.

That pit in your stomach after you come home from a long day and sit thinking hmmm I know I should be so “happy” with what I have…but I have a desire for more. I want to reach more people…I wish that work presentation had just been a little more powerful…I wish people really understood how important this issue is…or I wish I was speaking about something a bit different…but not even feeling inspired as to what that would be.

It feels like there is a glass ceiling that has set in and even though it may look like “success” from the outside….your intuition is telling you… there is a bigger mission your voice wants to carry out.

When you start to lose the inspiration…. the inner spark… the JOY…the fire…motivation…and it’s starting to feel like groundhog day…the momentum you may have felt earlier in your career or business has now slowed way down…

It’s NOT because you’ve lost your passion.

It’s because most likely the patriarchy or society or someone ingrained an old program in you that…

To be MORE powerful you had to act like a MAN.

Be louder, more aggressive, do more tasks, post more on social media, spend more money, and just get in the right “power” mindset.

How many confidence meditations or pump up affirmations have you listened to before you had to speak or create a powerful piece of content?

The problem is…this kind of masculine power will only get you to a certain level of success. It will lead you right up to the glass ceiling, but it won’t bust you through it.

For most women, there is another very important layer to unlock the connection to the FULL power of our voices….

To ignite the fire and full potential of your voice…you must unlock the power of your SONG VOICE.

Every day you don’t sing, your voice get’s smaller.

May sound weird right? But here are some truths the patriarchy has conveniently “forgotten” to let you in on… 

If you’re not singing or harnessing the power of your “soul frequency voice”… 

It won’t matter how many confidence meditations or affirmations you do…

It won’t matter how loud, present, or passionate you are…

It won’t matter you picked out a killer outfit to wear for that work presentation or webinar… 

It won’t even matter how amazing or profound your ideas are…

You will only have access to about the half the power + potential of your voice.

BUT when you DO understand how to access + use the power of your “soul frequency voice” with intention + direction…

You will bust open a new power, confidence, clarity + connection to your voice that will ignite the fire again. 

Remember when you were a kid and you pretended to be a pop star running around your house singing? 

As children we are naturally connected to our instinct to sing. 

We allow ourselves to have BIG voice dreams and speak our thoughts and opinions freely. 

But as we grow up, most of us experience some kind of “singing wound” or societal programming that shuts down our song voice. 

When we shut down our “soul frequency voice,” we shut ourselves off from the authenticity, wild desires + power of our voices. 

We often continue to shove it down into our adult life with thoughts like…

I’m not a singer.

My voice is terrible.

This is a childlike whim or fantasy.

This isn’t my career, so why would I sing? 

This may be nice hobby, but it’s not really important.

These are the thoughts keeping your true voice on lockdown, sister.

Your song voice is the voice of your soul.

I like to call it your “soul frequency voice.”

Just like we need exercise to have healthy bodies…we need to SING to have healthy, vibrant voices.

Our ancestors and ancient cultures knew this well. Singing was a natural part of daily life for EVERYONE.

(There was no such thing as a “singer” and a “non-singer!”)

And for WOMEN, we have to FEEL the power of our voice before others can.

Our soul frequency voice grounds us in our bodies, awakens the fire, the JOY, and brings us back into the seat of our feminine power by FEELING the power of our own unique vibration.

Your power will amplify with how deeply you can feel it first. Harnessing the power from the inside out, not the outside in.

But one night out singing karaoke with your friends isn’t quite gonna cut it…

When we wake up the voice after years of not really using it… it takes INTENTION + DIRECTION to harness it’s full power.

Which is why I developed an incredibly unique method of coaching which has helped hundreds of women break their voices free…

Let me tell you about it sister…

There are…

to your voice.

When you understand how to access and activate each pillar of your voice…

I guide women through an intentional 3 or 4 month coaching journey that is designed to wake up each pillar of the voice.

Pillar 1

The Mind Voice Connection: Rewriting Your Voice Story.

Pillar 2

Vocal Technique: Harnessing the Power of Your Body as an Instrument

Pillar 3

The Divine Feminine Voice: Connecting your voice to your sensuality, sexuality, sisterhood, cycles, and emotions.

Pillar 4

Spiritual Voice Awakening: Trance states with the voice and becoming a vocal channel to the divine.

Month One: Rewriting Your Voice Story

  • Rewriting your voice story, what stories are you carrying about your voice? What are you ready to let go of? What new story do you want to create?

  • Aligning your mindset + spirit with your true heartfelt desires for your voice and your mission.

  • Activating the voice through inner childlike expression and wonder. How did your child self want to be heard?

  • Unleashing emotional blocks to the voice. What trauma or experience is your throat chakra holding onto? How can we release them now?

  • Introduction to classical vocal training exercises: establishing a strong relationship with the breath, posture, jaw and discovering your range.

  • Harnessing the strength of the inner masculine voice; maintaining a strong connection to core + confidence.

  • Recognizing where your voice is leading you. What is the most authentic expression of your soul?

Month Two: Your Body, Pleasure, Womb + Voice

  • Determining personal embodiment practices that drop you fully into your body and help you feel a deep connection to your body as an instrument.

  • Awakening the full capacity of your sensuality to activate new channels of your voice

  • Examining our past relationship with boundaries, sexuality and voice. Re-establishing and reclaiming our yes, no and using our voice to direct our lives.

  • Strengthening the womb + voice connection. Connecting to the feminine aspects of lineage to channel + clear through the womb.

  • Stoking the fire of our sacral chakra, our pleasure + creative center to connect with our voice. Understanding how pleasurable our voice can feel and what creative forces can come through when we connect this.

  • Going deeper with vocal technique: Transitioning between chest, mix, and head voice, strong phrasing, controlling dynamics of our voice ( the ability to be loud or soft, and vibrato.)

Month Three: Shamanic + Trance States With the Voice

  • Channeling from the land and elements. Learning to work with the Earth and different landscapes to open our throat chakra and channel her messages.

  • Channeling with the power of other women’s voices. Examining the sister wound and where judging or being judged by other women has shut down our voice. Learning to draw inspiration and raise voices together.

  • Connecting our voices to the spirit realm. Using the voice as a bridge to connect with the spirits, guides, and ancestors that want to come through us and open new pathways in our lives.

  • Vocal Technique Building: Vowels & Consonants, excercises to further loosen the jaw and activate the diaphragm, translating technique into songs or vocal channeling

  • Understanding what technique and practices are working the best and activating the most for your, unique voice.

  • Coming home to your authentic voice within and celebrating this!

Bonus Month Four (Optional): Songwriting & Performance Style

  • Examining the themes and muses coming through you. What archetypes are wanting to work with you to inspire your creativity?

  • Gaining new songwriting skills to harness the creative energy you have generated and transform it into a song.

  • Getting clear on what your soul is most longing to express? What are you helping people move through with your music? What journey are you taking them on?

  • Getting specific about the nuances and messages coming through your music. Analyzing the lines and messages to get clear and digger deeper for the unique messages wanting to come through.

  • Honing in on your performance style. How do you desire to grace a stage? Sitting and playing guitar? Dancing around? Getting the audience to participate? Learning how to take up space with your body, voice , eye contact, and essence in a way that is most authentic to you.

  • Translating vocal technique into your songs and learning what the colorful edges of your voice are.

By activating each pillar, you will wake up the creative channels, desires, confidence, power, + authenticity of your voice.

This has the potential to truly break the glass ceiling by reigniting the FIRE in your voice.

  • 12 or 16 weekly wild voice sessions, 1 hour each.

  • Access to me Monday - Friday, 9-5 PST, for feedback + support with vocal technique, songs or anything coming up for you with the process

  • Lifetime access to my Wild Voice School, Wild Voice Mini Course, and Full Moon Monthly Activations.

  • Energy work and shamanic ceremony elements included to support and clear the way for you.

  • Fairy Tarot readings, to determine what energies are guiding your path as an artist.

Sessions are offered online via Zoom.

Feeling the call to embark on the wild voice journey with me?

Let’s have a Wild Voice Wake Up Chat to see if it’s a good fit for you!

This is not a sales call. This is a call where we will uncover the wild, childlike voice dreams, get clear on the impact you really want to make, identify which voice pillar you resonate most with, and create a personalized voice activation ritual or warm-up for you.

You are gonna leave this call, inspired, fired up and feeling the motivation to wake up your voice!

If you are interested in continuing, I’ll send you all the details and we’ll chat again to tailor the journey to fit all your dreams, desires, + goals.

My coaching packages prices start at $3,000.

You can contact me here with any questions you have about it.

(Hablo español)

What a 3 Month Voice Coaching Journey Is Actually Like

  • Kristin Lewis | Singer/Songwriter

    Katharine’s approach of blending practical tools and shamanism beautifully bridges the gap between the world of classical vocal training and the spiritual unseen realms. She has taught me simple and effective practices to safely develop my vocal strength with confidence - ones I can come back to any time I want to deepen back into my singing journey.

    I’ve learned to develop my unique sound and unleash my voice like never before!

    Since working with her I’ve noticed powerful shifts in my life. I’ve learned to listen to my intuition more deeply, speak up about my boundaries and needs more clearly, and let go of what no longer works in my life.

    Opening my voice has gone far beyond just learning how to sing!

  • Mariya Mironyuk | Professional Dancer & Sound Healer

    Under Katharine’s guidance, my voice has undergone a profound transformation, evolving into a powerful and resonant instrument.

    Her expertise and encouragement have not only improved the technical aspects of my vocal delivery, but have also taken me on a holistic journey that has positively impacted my life. Her insights and techniques made me see things differently, and I was able to work through my blockages. It has also opened doors to greater self-awareness. I am so grateful for the transformative experience she provided!

  • Jane Shtalenkova | Engineer

    Using a combination of classical vocal training techniques and deep spiritual connection, Katharine has helped me come home to myself and the Earth. I now have new skills to play with and feel empowered to share my voice with my community, sing into my wild being, and express my gratitude and loving reciprocity to the land. I have learned techniques to prepare, train, and use my vocal instrument safely and powerfully.

    Not only has my singing improved, but I feel that opening up my throat space has empowered me to speak up for what I believe, speak truth to power, and speak loving kindness more clearly.

    Everyone that hears me sing now reflects how much stronger and clearer my voice sounds!

 It is my highest joy to connect with other women about their voices!

If you are feeling drawn to me in any way, please reach out!

If you want to ask any questions before hopping on a call with me, you can contact me here.

 Hey love, I’m Katharine Wyld. I’m a wild voice coach, a singer/songwriter and a modern mystic.

I’ve helped hundreds of women through my retreats, workshops online programs and individual coaching unleash their wild voices, songs, and lives into the world.

 I am a certified life coach, priestess, women’s circle facilitator, and classically trained vocalist with a background in shamanic ceremony, piano, music theory and music production.

I completed 3 years of classical vocal mentorship with an Opera singer and a year of music production studies.

I blend Celtic, folk, hymns, electronic, shamanic and indie influences in my music. I’m currently co-producing my EP.